Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Leong, C.H., & Lim, T. (forthcoming). Paradox of Diversity: Singapore’s Approach to Managing Diversity, Immigration and Social Integration. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
Leong, C.H., Ang, A., & Tambyah, S.K. (2024). Using spatial big data to analyse neighbourhood effects on immigrant inclusion and well-being. International Journal of Intercultural Relations,
Chin, W.C.B., Feng, C.-C., Leong, C.H., Clapham, H.E., Pang, J., & Wang, Y.-C. (2024). The Networked Community of Urban Mobility during the Pandemic, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 1-14,
Lim, A., & Leong, C.H. (2023). Gender and Sexuality in Asia. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 42(5), 573-579.
Komisarof, A., Leong, C.H., & Lim, T. (2023). Constructions of Japanese national identity: Host views using a social marker of acceptance framework. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 94.
Chin, W.-C.B., Feng, C.-C., Leong, C.H., Pang, J.V., Clapham, H.E., Nara, A., Tsou, M.-H., & Wang, Y.-C. (2023). Integrating local and neighboring area influences into vulnerability modeling of infectious diseases in Singapore. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 121. (IF: 7.672).
Loh, C.E., Sun, B.Q., & Leong, C.H. (2022). Reading identities, mobilities and reading futures: Critical spatial perspectives on adolescent access to literacy resources. Harvard Educational Review, 92(1), 55-85 (IF: 2.935).
Leong, C.H., Tan, S.J., Minton, E.A., & Tambyah, S.K. (2021). Economic hardship and neighbourhood diversity: Influences on consumer well-being. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 55(4), 1226-1248 (IF: 2.530).
Lim, T., & Leong, C.H. (2021). “Whose narratives?” Divergence in How History is Organised Across Generations and its Impact on Well-being. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 24(3), 349-363 (IF: 2.25).
Komisarof, A., & Leong, C.H. (2020). Viewing intercultural adaptation and social inclusion through constructs of national identity: An introduction. International Journal of Intercultural Relations (IF: 2.938), 78, 1-9.
Leong, C.H., Komisarof, A., Dandy, J., Jasinskaja-Lahti, I., Safdar, S., Hanke, K., & Teng, E. (2020). What does it take to become “one of us?” Redefining ethnic-civic citizenship using markers of everyday nationhood. International Journal of Intercultural Relations (IF: 2.938), 78 10-19.
Phua, D., Leong, C.H., & Hong, Y.Y. (2020). Heterogeneity in definition of one’s national identity: Example of Singapore using latent class and network analyses. International Journal of Intercultural Relations (IF: 2.938), 78, 20-32.
Komisarof, A., Leong, C.H., & Teng, E. (2020). Constructing Who Is Japanese: A Study of Social Markers of Acculturation in Japan. Asian Journal of Social Psychology (IF: 2.25), 23(2), 238-250.
Lim, T., Leong, C.H., & Suliman, F. (2019). Managing Singapore’s Residential Diversity through Ethnic Integration Policy. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 38(2), 109-125.
Ho, E., Leong, C.H., & Lim, V. (2018). “Narratives of our past”: Taking a journey through history for collective well-being. Asian Journal of Social Psychology (IF: 2.25), 21, 271-281.
Becker, J.C., Butz, D.A., Sibley, C.G., Barlow, F.K., Bitacola, L., Christ, O., Khan, S., Leong, C.H., Pehrson, S., Srinivasan, N., Sulz, A., Tausch, N., Urbanska, K., & Wright, S. (2017). What do national flags stand for? An exploration of associations across 11 countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IF: 2.618), 48 (3), 335-352.
Teng, E., & Leong, C.H. (2017). Media portrayals of immigrant success and contribution: Perceived equity and attitudes toward immigrants. International Journal of Intercultural Relations (IF: 2.938 ), 61, 1-6.
Lim, C., & Leong, C.H. (2017). Content analysis on Singapore’s immigration rhetorical in the mainstream media. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practices, and Consultation, 6(3), 179-193.
Leong, C.H., (2016) Book review ‘Getting-by: class and state formation among Chinese in Malaysia’. Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, 172(1), 139-141
Hanke, K., Liu, J.H., Sibley, C.G., Paez, D., Gaines, S.O., Moloney, G., Leong, C.H., et al., (2015). “Heroes” and “Villains” of World History across Cultures, PLOS ONE (IF: 3.752), 10(2).
Smith, P.B., Wasti, S.A., Grigoryan, L., Achoui, M., Bedford, O., Budhwar, P., Lebedeva, N., Leong, C.H., & Torres, C. (2014). Are guanxi-type supervisor-subordinate relationships culture-general? An eight-nation test of measurement invariance. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IF: 2.618 ), 45(6), 921-938.
Lim, S., Yang, W.W., Leong, C.H., & Hong, J. (2014). Reconfiguring the Singapore Identity Space: Nation Moulding Beyond Racialism and Survivalism. International Journal of Intercultural Relations (IF: 2.938 ), Special Issue on Critical Junction Theory, 43(A), 13-21.
Leong, C.H. (2014). Social Markers of Acculturation: A New Research Framework on International Adaptation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations (IF: 2.938 ), 38(1), 120-132.
Leong, C.H., & Liu, J.H. (2013). Multiculturalism, Beyond Ethnocultural Diversity and Contestations (Ed). International Journal of Intercultural Relations (IF: 2.938 ), Special Issue on Multiculturalism, 37(6), 657-750.
Leong, C.H., & Liu, J.H. (2013). Whither Multiculturalism? Global Identities at a Cross-roads. International Journal of Intercultural Relations (IF: 2.938 ), Special Issue on Multiculturalism, 37(6), 657-662.
Noor, N.M. & Leong, C.H. (2013). Multiculturalism in Malaysia and Singapore. International Journal of Intercultural Relations (IF: 2.938 ), Special Issue on Multiculturalism, 37(6), 714-726.
Smith, P.B., Torres, C., Leong, C.H., Pudhwar, P., M. Achoui, & Lebedeva, N. (2012). How distinctive are indigenous ways of achieving influence in business organizations? A comparative study of Guanxi, Wasta, Jeitinho, Svyazi, and “Pulling Strings”. International Journal of Human Resource Management (IF: 6.026), 23(2), 333-348.
Liu, J., Paez, D., Hanke, K., Rosa, A., Hilton, D.J., Sibley, C.G., Cabecinhas, R., Zaromb, F., Garber, I.E., Leong, C.H., et al. (2012). Cross-cultural dimensions of meaning in the evaluation of events in world history? Perceptions of historical calamities and progress in cross-cultural data from 30 societies. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IF: 2.618 ), 43(2), 251-272.
Leong, C.H., & Ward, C. (2011). Intergroup perceptions and attitudes towards immigrants in a culturally plural society. Applied Psychology: An International Review (IF: 5.414), 60(1), 46-65.
Leong, C.H. (2008). A multi-level research framework for the analyses of attitudes toward immigrants. International Journal of Intercultural Relations (IF: 2.938 ), 32 (2), 115- 129.
Leong, C.H. (2007). Predictive validity of the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire: A longitudinal study on the socio-psychological adaptation and intercultural experience among Asian undergraduates. International Journal of Intercultural Relations (IF: 2.938 ), 31 (5), 545- 559.
Leong, C.H., & Ward, C. (2006). The influence of cultural values on attitudes toward immigrants and multiculturalism: The case of the Eurobarometer Survey on Racism and Xenophobia. International Journal of Intercultural Relations (IF: 2.938 ), 30 (6), 799-810.
Ward, C., Leong, C.H. & Low, M. (2004). Personality and sojourner adjustment: An exploration of the "Big five" and the "Cultural fit" proposition. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IF: 2.618 ), 35(2), 137-151.
Leong, C.H. & Ward, C. (2000). Identity conflict in sojourners. International Journal of Intercultural Relations (IF: 2.938 ), 24, 763-776.